Love it. A great post for today. And congratulations on your newest little one. I am 43 years old and have three kids, ages 5, 4, and 1. We are seriously considering a 4th, because we believe in saying yes to life, and many in our orbit consider us nuts for even entertaining the notion.. Kudos to you and God Bless.

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Thanks so much! And thanks so much for reading. You should have more kids!

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Thank you for writing this. We also just had our third, after a shorter gap. I also have been following the fertility issue, and I appreciate you making it personal here -- and seeing children as a way of combating Machine listlessness feels very right. Was thinking about the machine specifically what made you reverse your earlier decision?

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That's a great question. I am probably writing a companion piece to this that gets into this more specifically. Maybe here but probably more appropriate for a more Catholic publication. It is tied up with our (my wife and I) conversion to the Catholic Church as well as being increasingly convinced that contraception is a form of Machine transhumanism that needs to be rejected. The Church did not require the reversal but we decided it was the most appropriate thing to do given that and our commitment to Machine resistance.

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Makes sense. And then I'll ask, "did you convert to fight the machine, or are you fighting the machine because you converted?" and there will be no clear answer, I assume! Thanks.

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That's another great question. At the Doomer Optimism gathering a few weeks ago, I asked the some new converts to Eastern Orthodoxy the same sort of question. For me (very briefly), as you said it was both and the conversion happened on multiple different levels spiritual, intellectual, social etc. But, in this very particular "Machine" conversation, I think what is most relevant is that I was already a Christian but I saw Catholicism as the most Machine-proof options of the Western Church. For Machine-only reasons, Eastern Orthodoxy would probably have been my best bet. For the other reasons, RCC was the necessary choice. Does that make sense?

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May this note find us all ever closer to God, and His Peace.

Good article and topic. Praise God for your and wife's Conversion.

After rejecting two calls to religious life - at puberty and around 25 I was Blessed with a more direct Contact - not a voice but a releasing of what was said from memory along with a lot of information-clarity. A bit of it was that Satan exists, and Witches were real, and from that I realized Attacks had victimized me intensely at time .. so this question of 'did you Convert to fight the Machine or fight the Machine because you Converted?' (with 'the Machine' being Satan and the Tools used,) I would answer the first part, along with prevention or reduction of harm and evil towards others, and much more - of course.

Service as a Warrior in a Battle worth my attention and suffering.

'The Machine' - as you call it - I think of as a Process using insanity, unTruth, inJustice, disOrdering through Power; State, [Sicken Churches,] Law, poverty, war, Society, Education, media, and all Significant Institutions - most of which anyone my age (Born 1963) or older can personally remember in lifetime and see accelerating if Clarity and Intelect is not Darkened.


As a converted Catholic of less than a decade and a Traditionalist of perhaps 3 years, and in my self-directed Catechizing, I see parallels between the rejection of the Truth, Justice, Order based solid anchor that Thomas Aquinas expanded and illuminated through Natural Laws and past Philosophers & Theologists - in Reflecting of Divine Holy Law and our human and Creation's condition - and the Modernist irrational Philosophy started by Descartes onward, all of which are anchorless struggles to find an anchor - the only Anchor, Truth - that they rejected. A parallel between that situation and our social and governing secular situation.

The Catholic Church's 70+ years of Modernist control display similar destruction of Truth, Justice, Order from the top imposing heretical insane changes from those who clearly intended treachery and betrayal of those Offices before taking them and have so distanced themselves from God and His Holy Carisma, Graces, and priority of Holy Ghost that such Offices bring to those with Good intent, and division, scandal and confusion exists that must share much of what Catholic society went through when Modernist Poison and division fragmentations the Protestant revolution had.

My belief that a significant line was crossed when Western society and most peoples were raised to accept the clearly insane, damaging and darkening our intellect, destroying innocence, distorting all factors that protect us and help us to have Truth and God reflected as clearly in our soul as possible for our condition and station in life that we should be able too. Weakened from deflecting other demonic-influences, we are open to other (all) soul damaging and possibly killing in the damage done in forced indoctrination & punishments for not, in acceptance of insanity of mothers hire Witches to torture to death our babies as Sacrifices to Satan and Sin.

(It seems that from the de-anchoring from Truth, that this goal was the target, for once society and world accepted that, then not limits to insanity and evil were closed to those minions of Satan and Hell.)


The State rejection of Christian anchor in law that then frees State to unlimited power of people, their families, children and all aspects to society seem much like the different between Monarchy under Catholicism which imposed limits on the King and Governance and Monarchy under Protestantism which allowed limits based only on general Christain limits which they can and did redefine - Henry VIII for example which defined he Church to allow Sins he wanted to allow and unJustly stole Catholic lands, buildings, and other resources and so destroyed the system of free-access to charity and services provided to travelers, poor, anyone wanting or needing such they gave freely.


The disrespect and rejection of the [Holy] dignity of the Person was made clear in the forced sterilization of 'imbeciles', which then sets precedence for any reason such as boys acting as boys and not girls in schools and elsewhere, or men acting like men and not women in society, and with modern corporal medical system inserting drugs that feminize men without consent or awareness (as part of any surgery or under false-excused injections) is likely occurring today. We have with the recent 'covid vaccine' a false name of vaccine and a genetic altering untested likely genocidal often forced or false-excused example, forced in threat and reality of unemployment and prevention of access to services and liberties.


Right to Sterile Sex forced on us in the 1960's under a new created by the court 'Right to Privacy' was the next step in Sickening the souls & minds of Western Womanhood (and rest of society, law, and more) in the now disposability of men after sexual exploitation and always, as well as the [self] disrespect and objectifying of both sexes. Women's attitude towards men declined to useful tool or toy or not, and mostly not of value to them personally became a Sick perspective, and with Feminism lies and distortions increased male-hate and disrespect of men, fathers, manhood, and as today gave irrational excuse to unJustly abuse and punish [white] men and boys for being male.

I suggest we consider the difference between the care and treatment between those men who volunteered or conscripted in wars before and after, that the Vietnam vets we thrown to the streets, that homelessness became acceptable to the now Sick Soul (women directed) where those men unable to be of value or profit to each and all women were disposed-of, and often when seen were treated and resented-by society (women) to have lived, that (especially after Abortion was legal) better dead.


The 'Right to Privacy' concept to imagine and argue that the disOrdered and damaging practices done behind closed-doors somehow do not harm society, and as I suggested and argued with Sterile Sex and more so with Homosexual and other defined and proven Sin (by Traditional Catholicism) Do damage others and society, sometimes to extreme irrationality, and damage & Darkness of Intellect, of social and national insanity and evil.


There is a lot more related history to how we got here, and the better our Models of world and understanding of Root causes the more effective we will be and less likely to harm or cause increased sufferings.

God Bless., Steve

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Yeah. Makes sense to me -- I did about the same, with Orthodoxy. We needed something communal to aid with the resistance to everything Machine-age going on; something solid and something old.

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