This is a good primer for me to send to various people, normies, as it were, whom I try and explain what it is I’m reading and thinking about regards ‘The Machine’

A good friend from Kentucky, and Wendell Barry Stan, is on his way to visit me this weekend, and we will discuss your essay over mirth and merriment.


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Gord- Thanks so much for the comment. This is exactly what we had in mind. We wanted to distill the idea into 2,000 words for folks that maybe are too busy to read a tome, as you say normies. Thanks for your support.

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This is probably a useful summary to have around. The "machine value of accumulation and control" is a good, simple formulation. I also chuckled when you noted how the mythos that underpins the machine can't be acknowledged as a mythos but is rather simply held up as reality -- like all mythos are by the people who use them! Funny but true.

A better and slightly more grounded piece, all around, than your second entry -- which was in-the-clouds academic. (The idea that you need to identify all these terms is itself pretty academic). You're on the edge with things like "heretofore". I'll keep watching for what comes next.

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JM- As usual, thanks so much for your thoughtful reads of these essays. I keep your comments in the back of my mind as I write. "Less academic!" So, thank you. We do want to keep them accessible. Keep giving us this feedback. These first few foundational essays will inevitably be a bit more esoteric and academic. But, we will be tying the essays (especially the "What is Flourishing?" essay) to some on the ground issues. Hopefully that will take it from the clouds to the ground. Thank you!

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